Reprosoustavy řady Largo

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Searched in section "Surround speakers"

last price: 1 178,71 €
you save: 235,15 €
943,56 €
in stock

08 106 | Largo 70 + Largo 120 home cinema speaker set 5.0

2× 35 / 80 W front book-shelf speakers + 2× 35 / 80 W rear book-shelf speakers, 55 – 20 000 Hz

Suitable for: sounding of living room, hi-fi, home cinema

Discount 20 %
last price: 1 756,48 €
you save: 380,28 €
1 376,20 €
in stock

08 103 | Home cinema speaker set 5.1 Largo 70 + Largo 120 + SUB 1201A

2× 35 / 80 W front book-shelf speakers + 2× 35 / 80 W rear book-shelf speakers + 500 W active subwoofer, 26 – 20 000 Hz

Suitable for: sounding of living room, hi-fi, home cinema

Discount 22 %
471,58 €  / pair
in stock

08 100 | Largo 70 book-shelf satellite hifi speaker

2 way, book-shelf, satellite, 5,25″; bass. spk., 1″, tweeter, 35 / 80 W, 89 dB, 55 – 20 000 Hz

Suitable for: sounding of living room, hi-fi, home cinema

Searched in section "Central speakers"

235,59 €
in stock

08 101 | Largo 120 central or book-shelf hifi speaker

2 way, book-shelf, satellite, 5,25″; bass. spk., 1″, tweeter, 50 / 110 W, 90 dB, 50 – 20 000 Hz, could be used as book-shelf speaker too

Suitable for: sounding of living room, hi-fi, home cinema


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Ozvučení obývacího pokoje

Ozvučení rodinného domu může být opravdu nápadité. Rozmysleme se, kde všude chceme hudbu přehrávat, jaký chceme mít komfort, a kdo a jak bude ozvučení ovládat.

Searched in section "Construction - theory"