Ozvučení sítě dětských nebo zábavních center
Vašim úkolem je docílit, aby všude na světě, v jakékoliv pobočce, hrála jasně definovaná podkresová hudba a znělky.
32 W / 100 V, 32 W / 8 Ω, 90 dB, 60 – 20,000 Hz, switch, holder, 6,5″ polypropylene woofer, 25 mm tweeter with textile dome, waterproof, protection IP 65
Suitable for: sounding commercial and domestic interiors, shops, restaurants, offices, administrative spaces, wellness, and exteriors, terraces and pergolas using on-wall installation
32 W / 100 V, 32 W / 8 Ω, 90 dB, 60 – 20,000 Hz, switch, holder, 6,5″ polypropylene woofer, 25 mm tweeter with textile dome, waterproof, protection IP 65
Suitable for: sounding commercial and domestic interiors, shops, restaurants, offices, administrative spaces, wellness, and exteriors, terraces and pergolas using on-wall installation
40 W / 100 V, 60 W / 8 Ω, 92 dB, 45 – 20,000 Hz, switch, joint holder, 8″ polypropylene woofer, 25 mm tweeter with textile dome, waterproof, protection IP 65
Suitable for: sounding commercial interiors, shops, restaurants, cultural and congress halls, gymnasiums, as well as exteriors, outdoor areas, sports fields and terraces using on-wall installation
30 W / 100 V, 40 W / 8 Ω, 90 dB, 60 – 20,000 Hz, switch, joint holder, 6,5″ polypropylene woofer, 25 mm tweeter with textile dome, waterproof, protection IP 65
Suitable for: sounding commercial and domestic interiors, shops, restaurants, offices, administrative spaces, wellness, and exteriors, terraces and pergolas using on-wall installation
30 W / 100 V, 40 W / 8 Ω, 90 dB, 60 – 20,000 Hz, switch, joint holder, 6,5″ polypropylene woofer, 25 mm tweeter with textile dome, waterproof, protection IP 65. Moderní design!
Suitable for: sounding commercial and domestic interiors, shops, restaurants, offices, administrative spaces, wellness, and exteriors, terraces and pergolas using on-wall installation
10 W / 100 V, 20 W / 8 Ω, 88 dB, 75 – 20,000 Hz, switch, joint holder, 4″ polypropylene woofer, 13 mm tweeter with textile dome, waterproof, protection IP 65
Suitable for: sounding commercial and domestic interiors, shops, restaurants, offices, administrative spaces, wellness, and exteriors, terraces and pergolas using on-wall installation
10 W / 100 V, 20 W / 8 Ω, 88 dB, 75 – 20,000 Hz, switch, joint holder, 4″ polypropylene woofer, 13 mm tweeter with textile dome, waterproof, protection IP 65
Suitable for: sounding commercial and domestic interiors, shops, restaurants, offices, administrative spaces, wellness, and exteriors, terraces and pergolas using on-wall installation
25 W / 100 V, 40 W / 8 Ω, 87 dB, 75 – 20 000 Hz, handle, 4″ polypropylene woofer, 20 mm textile dome tweeter
Suitable for: wall installation in the interior, for sounding commercial places, shops, restaurants, bars, offices, administrative places, hotels
6 W / 100 V, or 8 Ω, 88 dB, 150 – 20,000 Hz, joint holder, 2.5″ fullrange polypropylene spk., small design. Malá, ale za to účinná!
Suitable for: sounding commercial and domestic interiors, shops, restaurants, offices, administrative spaces, using on-wall installation
15 W / 100 V, 92 dB, 120 – 20 000 Hz, non-fire plastic, white, also using as hang speaker, EN 54–24 certified
Suitable for: sounding passages, warehouses, protected exterior, supermarkets, evacuation system
20 W / 100 V, coaxial with tweeter, 75 – 20 000 Hz, 87 dB, wide directivity, dia. 220 × 270 mm, wet resistant
Suitable for: sound system for supermarkets, shops, restaurants and other places with a higher ceiling
2800 lm, 20 W, 330°, SMD Epistar, 150 cm, T8, G13, 50 000 h. Ušetřete za elektřinu – výborná účinnost
Suitable for: lighting of interior rooms, offices, shops, warehouses, workshops, hallways
980 lm, 7 W, 330°, SMD Epistar, 60 cm, T8, G13, 50 000 h
Suitable for: lighting of interior rooms, offices, shops, warehouses, workshops, hallways
800 lm, 9 W, 150°, SMD, 60 cm, T8, G13, 40 000 h
Suitable for: lighting of interior rooms, offices, shops, warehouses, workshops, hallways
1750 lm, 25 W, 120°, 1× COB, Ø 230 × 65 mm, 50 000 h
Suitable for: lighting of interior rooms, offices, shops, but also at the hallways where frequent switching of lights
gong, priority, audio module for 6 announcements, upload announcements via USB as MP3 files, programmable behavior, Line-in input, logic output of activity, indications, adjust volume of input, microphone and announcements separately, cardioid directional char.
Suitable for: sounding of boards, desks, guesthouses, offices, shops, hotels, worhshops, production
chime, priority, 6 zone selection, indication, cardioid directivity, power supply from mixing amplifier
Suitable for: sounding of boards, desks, guesthouses, offices, shops, connection to JPA 1504
automatic chime, priority, 4 zone selection, displaying of E/M status, busy, and faults
Suitable for: small evacuation systems, sounding of boards, desks, guesthouses, offices, shops, connection to MA 412
Vašim úkolem je docílit, aby všude na světě, v jakékoliv pobočce, hrála jasně definovaná podkresová hudba a znělky.
Ozvučení sítě prodejen (např butiků, outletů, prodejen takřka všeho) a firemních poboček, doporučujeme řešit zcela digitálně po internetu.
Ozvučení prodejen můžeme řešit dvojím způsobem, který závisí na tom, zda ozvučení má být hlasité, nebo…
Ozvučení supermarketu nebo obchodního centra má své dva základní rysy – obvykle 2 až 6 zón a vždy jednu nebo dvě rozlehlé zóny.
Článek se věnuje ozvučení na střeše autobusu, který se využívá u mítingů, reklamních a propagačních akcí politických stran, sdružení, ale i pojízdných prodejen či knihoven.
Ozvučení je koncipováno na základě jednoduchého 12V zesilovače a mixážního pultu.
Nevíte, podle čeho vybírat reproduktory a reprosoustavy pro plošné ozvučení? V tomto článku poukážeme na 13 základních problémů.