Claim and repairment order

According to Business Terms And Conditions, it is possible to place a claim, a repair or customization request only in writing with the product, or personally. We can not accept a claim, a repair or customization request without filled out form below.

How to place a demand?

Fill in the following form carefully, print and attach to the product packing. Send it to the address of our headquarters, listed in the :contacts. If you have already sent the product, fill in following form, save it, and write us the Repairment (RMA) order number „RMAxxxxxxxxx“.

Pay attention to the Defect Description field. The better and more detailed you describe it, the quicker the demand will be done. Fields Invoice and Purchase Date are important to us for tracking the production series and applying the warranty.

Thank you for your helpfulness and careful filling!

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New claim, repairment order (RMA)

Personal informations

Invoicing entries

I want to make register as company

I want to make register as private person

You have chosen a different country than the Czech Republic and you have checked that you are VAT registered payer. Order and invoice will be exposed to the tax-free regime. You hereby confirm the correctness of this information. If not based on truth, expose the sanction of your tax office.

I need to enter different delivery address

Delivery information

Delivery address is the same as invoicing address

Repairment / modifictaion details