CSP 150 sound projector
Brief description: 20 W / 100 V, 91 db, 160 – 16 000 Hz
Suitable for: sounding passages, warehouses, protected exterior
Cat. nr.: 210007
43,45 € with VAT
in stock
- výkon 20 W rms / 100V
- vstupní impedance min. 1 kΩ
- ekv. citlivost 91 dB / 1W, 1m
- frekvenční rozsah 160 – 16 000 Hz
- 5,5“ širokopásmový reproduktor
- možnost volby výkonu ve třech krocích
- instalace do exteriérů, vlhku odolný
- vestavěná ocelová konzola s možností nasměrování
- stupeň krytí IP 55
- ozvučnice z krémového ABS plastu
- rozměry Ø 137 × 203 mm
Accessories recomended
12 296 | PR 104 volume controller
4 and 3 wire NUC. listening, 10 W, 11 positions, a total shutdown, design ABB Tango, the entire controller
Suitable for: sounding systems in the interior
12 965 | Speaker cable for 100 V line systems 2×1,5 mm²
special cable for 100 V line speaker systems, 2 × 1.5 mm², CCA copper, twisted core wires, low capacity. První spešl kabel pro 100V rozvody!
Suitable for: connection of amplifier central, amplifier, and speakers in 100 V line system, for power under 400 W
12 960 | Speaker cable for 100 V line systems 2×2,5 mm²
special cable for 100 V line speaker systems, 2 × 2.5 mm², CCA copper, twisted core wires, low nominal resistance
Suitable for: connection of amplifier central, amplifier, and speakers in 100 V line systém, for power above 400 W