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Searched in section "Hand, clip and head wire microphones, accessories"

last price: 3,24 €
you save: 0,45 €
2,79 €
in stock

21 920 | Holder capacitor microphone

the capacitor (MC) microphones thread W 5 / 8″ 28 s / p

Suitable for: installation of the microphone stand

Discount 14 %
last price: 2,44 €
you save: 0,51 €
1,93 €
in stock

21 939 | Holder microphone fixed

for dynamic (MD) microphones thread W 5 / 8″ 28 s / p

Suitable for: installation of the microphone stand

Discount 21 %
4,72 €
in stock

21 947 | Holder microphone spring

for microphones with larger tubes, thread W 5 / 8″ 28 s / p

Suitable for: installation of the microphone stand