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Searched in section "Amplifiers, centrals"

last price: 1 531,88 €
you save: 352,33 €
1 179,55 €
in stock

27 918 | MRT 8000 matrix system 8×8 – main matrix unit

topology 8 stereo inputs (signal sources) x 8 mono outputs (amplifiers), a local controllers for background music selection in the target zone, local Mic and Line input on the controller, desk microphones, gongs, connection to FAS, priorities, rich set of volumes and the frequency correctors, monitoring section, connecting with UTP cable

Suitable for: comfortable sounding of family house, offices, hotels, conference centers, schools

Discount 23 %

Searched in section "Other devices and modules"

last price: 141,21 €
you save: 39,34 €
101,87 €
in stock

27 919 | MRT 8000B matrix system 8×8 – local controller with inputs

local controller for background music selection and inputting the local audio signal, LED display, Mic and Line input, connection with matrix unit with UTP cable

Suitable for: comfortable sounding of family house, offices, hotels, conference centers, schools

Discount 28 %

Searched in section "Desktop microphones"

last price: 330,25 €
you save: 122,19 €
208,06 €
in stock

27 920 | MRT 8000A matrix system 8×8 – paging microphone

local desk microphone for local paging, status, power, busy and zone LEDs, electret microphone on goose-neck holder, connection with matrix unit with UTP cable

Suitable for: comfortable sounding of family house, offices, hotels, conference centers, schools

Discount 37 %


Ozvučení fitness a spinning center

Jedná se o hodně moderní záležitost, které je potřeba věnovat patřičnou pozornost. spinningová centra vyžadují velmi kvalitní…